新关注 > 信息聚合 > 国安人员危机已熬过大半 赵和靖邵佳一均无大碍

国安人员危机已熬过大半 赵和靖邵佳一均无大碍

The national security personnel crisis has survived half Zhao Hejing Shao Jiayi no matter

2015-05-06 09:18:43来源: 中国新闻网

尽管国安昨天用一场1比1锁定了小组第一,但是赵和靖受伤下场的一幕还是让国安球迷有些担心,毕竟现在的国安已经伤不起了。不过从目前来看,国安的人员危机已经熬过了大半。 昨天赵和靖在和对方一次拼抢后下场,这个后防万金油的受伤难免让曼萨诺的排兵布阵变得更加困难。不过从前方传回来的消息表明,赵...

Guoan yesterday with a 1 although 1 locked in the group, but Zhao Hejing was injured in a scene or let the fans have something to worry about, after all, now the national security has been vulnerable. But from the current point of view, the national security personnel crisis has already survived more than half. Yesterday, Zhao Hejing and the other a Pinqiang after the end, the defense will inevitably make the balm of hurt the Paibingbuzhen Manzano more difficult. But filtered back news shows, cho...