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武汉球迷倡议文明看东亚杯 对“京骂”说不

Wuhan fan initiatives civilization in the East Asian cup of "Beijing curse" said not

2015-07-23 21:18:53来源: 中国新闻网

东亚四强赛8月1日在武汉体育中心开打,本报记者采访了武汉不少球迷,他们都表示,会去看球,不仅看球,还要倡议球迷朋友们文明看球,体现武汉球迷的素质。 奏国歌时要站起来 武汉真心球迷协会会长周光华提出,赛前演奏国歌时,球迷必须站起来。 周光华说:“这两天,我看了一个新闻:世界女排大...

East Asia semi-final match on August 1, in the Wuhan Sports Center dozen, our newspaper reporter interviewed many fans in Wuhan, they said, will go to the ball, not only to see the ball, but also initiative fans and friends civilization watching, reflect the quality of Wuhan fans. When playing the national anthem to stand up, Zhou Guanghua, President of the Wuhan really fan association proposed that before the game played the national anthem, fans must stand up. Zhou Guanghua said: "these two days, I read a news: the world women's volleyball team...