新关注 > 信息聚合 > 游泳世锦赛奖金暴涨75% 总额550万美金创纪录

游泳世锦赛奖金暴涨75% 总额550万美金创纪录

World Swimming Championships in bonuses soared 75% of total 550 million U. S. Jinchuang record Netease

2015-06-22 12:31:47来源: 网易

韩国媒体近日报道称,2015俄罗斯喀山游泳世界锦标赛的奖金将大幅提升,幅度高达75%,达到550万美金,而获得各个项目前八名的运动员都将获得数量不等的奖金。 网易体育6月22日报道: 韩国媒体《...

South Korean media recently reported that in front of 2015 Russia Kazan swimming world championships, the bonus will significantly enhance the amplitude as high as 75%, to $550 million for various projects eight athletes will receive varying amounts of bonus. Netease sports June 22nd reported: South Korean media...