新关注 > 信息聚合 > Windows 10性能提升70% 重振PC游戏市场

Windows 10性能提升70% 重振PC游戏市场

Windows 10 performance increase 70% to revive the PC game market

2014-12-15 12:52:18来源: 中关村在线

2014年PC产业走过了胆战心惊的一年,我们期待的intel新平台与Windows8并没有给我们带来更多的惊喜,时光转瞬即逝。有迹象表明微软Windows 10操作系统将于2015年1月21日正式发布,而Windows 10则更加注重用户体验功能与性能上的提升。 图片来源于百度百科 ...

2014 PC industry through a new platform to tremble with fear in one's boots, Intel Windows8 and we look forward to and did not give us more surprises, time is fleeting. There are signs that Microsoft Windows 10 operating system will be officially released in January 21, 2015, while Windows 10 is more emphasis on user experience and performance improvement. Pictures from the Baidu encyclopedia...

标签: 游戏 PC