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魔兽自称好胜心不逊科比 只是自己不会去骂队友

Warcraft claimed ambition Bryant rude to criticize his teammates but he will not

2015-03-28 09:36:38来源: 搜狐

魔兽和科比在本赛季揭幕战时还曾对喷 北京时间3月28日,根据《体育画报》的报道,近日霍华德在接受采访时表示,他已经准备好为火箭争冠做出牺牲,并且全力支持詹姆斯-哈登拿到MVP。另外谈及当年在湖人...

Warcraft and Kobe Bryant this season, was also unveiled on the wartime spraying Beijing March 28, according to "Sports Illustrated" reported recently Howard in an interview, he said he is ready to make sacrifices for the rocket champion, and full support James - Harden got the MVP. Also talking about the Lakers that year ...