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吊炸天!C罗8分钟帽子戏法 超梅西成射手第一

Hanging fried days! C, 8 minute hat trick Messi into the first super striker

2015-04-05 19:40:58来源: 新浪

C罗霸气 新浪体育讯 西甲第29轮,皇马跟格拉纳达的比赛被安排在了西班牙当地时间12点,即北京时间下午6点,这对亚洲球迷而言,无疑是一次黄金时间。 不用熬夜的皇马球迷有福了,他们在这一次黄金...

C Luo ambition of sina sports dispatch twenty-ninth round of La Liga, Real Madrid with Granada race was arranged in Spain 12 o'clock local time, is 6 pm Beijing time, the Asian fans, is a golden time. Don't stay up late and Real Madrid fans blessed them, in this time of gold...