新关注 > 信息聚合 > 价格很稳定 尼康D750(单机)特价10000元

价格很稳定 尼康D750(单机)特价10000元

The price is stable Nikon D750 (Dan Ji) special 10000 yuan

2015-03-06 19:32:55来源: 中关村在线

(中关村在线江苏行情)尼康正式新款全画幅单反D750,其搭载了2430万有效像素FX格式传感器和EXPEED 4图像处理器。感光度范围ISO 100-12800(可扩展至ISO 50-51200),...

(Zhongguancun online Jiangsu market) Nikon formal new full frame DSLR D750, with 24300000 effective pixel format of FX sensor and the EXPEED 4 image processor. Sensitivity range of ISO 100-12800 (expandable to ISO 50-51200),...