新关注 > 信息聚合 > 助教要求霍华德变身张伯伦 魔兽:任务是指导菜鸟

助教要求霍华德变身张伯伦 魔兽:任务是指导菜鸟

Assistant Howard asked Chamberlain to transform the world of Warcraft: the task is to guide the rookie

2016-03-17 09:56:56来源: 网易

霍华德表示小乔丹与自己有很多共同点,两人是朋友。 网易体育3月17日报道: 本赛季火箭与快船的比赛中,霍华德打得都非常棒。火箭助理教练克利福德-雷要求霍华德化身张伯伦,让他在篮下的威胁更具侵略性。 霍华德表示在训练中助理教练克利福德-雷对他说:“我看到当时张伯伦能够拿着球去对抗9个...

Howard said little Jordan and he has a lot in common, two people are friends. NetEase reported on March 17th: the rocket sports with the Clippers in the competition this season, Howard have played very well. Rockets assistant coach Clifford ray asked Howard to incarnate Chamberlain, let him in the basket under the threat of more aggressive. Howard said in training assistant coach Clifford ray said to him: "I see that Chamberlain was able to take the ball to fight 9...