新关注 > 信息聚合 > 全职福利 和谐圣徒大白菜全体加速音效

全职福利 和谐圣徒大白菜全体加速音效

Full-time welfare harmony Saints cabbage all sound acceleration

2015-06-09 20:16:48来源: 多玩游戏

这次圣徒加强看到很多同学说大白菜加速音效太吵,于是就做了这个补丁出来。 PS: 龙之谷音效,很多是通用的 比如这个音效也适用于学者的上蜡,也会静音,所以在实际游戏操作中自己留意一下,只是静音,b...

Strengthening the Saints see a lot of students say cabbage acceleration sound too noisy, so he made this patch out. PS: Long Valley sound, a lot of this is common, such as sound effects also apply to the scholars waxing will mute, so the actual game to look at their own operation, but mute, b ...