新关注 > 信息聚合 > 农村结婚流行镇上买楼房 老人们学会用超市储物柜

农村结婚流行镇上买楼房 老人们学会用超市储物柜

Rural married popular town to buy the building old people learn to use the supermarket locker

2015-02-27 20:07:17来源: 人民网

在楼德新开的商场里,一位老太太正背着手逛超市。 我的家乡在泰安市新泰市楼德镇,过去楼德煎饼是响当当的品牌,现在楼德各方面的繁荣在整个泰安也是数得着。每次回老家,都能发现镇上的些许变化,楼房多了,道路宽了,轿车多了,商场多了,人也时髦了,一幅繁荣景象。但发展背后的环境污染也严重了。再回...

in Lou de newly opened shopping mall, an old lady was back to the supermarket. My hometown is in Tai'an city building in the city of Xintai De Zhen Lou de pancakes, the past is famous brand, now all aspects of the building boom is one of Germany in the whole of Tai'an. Each home, can be found in some changes in the town, buildings, road width, car much, department stores, people of fashion, a scene of prosperity. But behind the development environment is also polluted. To go back to...