新关注 > 信息聚合 > 部落冲突7本空气炮内置阵型推荐


Recommended tribal conflict the air cannon built-in formation after a newer version of

2015-06-09 16:33:18来源: 4399

新版本更新后,空气炮为防御阵型的改动带来了很多的冲击。一些利用空气炮组建起来的阵型也成为了新宠。接下来小编就为大家推荐几个部落冲突7本阵型吧! 阵型一: 阵型二: 阵型三: 不知道大家看清没...

, air cannons for defensive formation changes bring a lot of impact. Some use of air cannon organized formation has also become a new favorite. The next Xiaobian recommended several tribal conflicts 7 of this system! The formation of a: Two: Three: the formation of formation do not know if you don't see...