新关注 > 信息聚合 > 范玮琪梳偏分发型晒自拍 露微笑甜美可爱(图)

范玮琪梳偏分发型晒自拍 露微笑甜美可爱(图)

Fan fan comb partial hair drying self smile sweet (Figure)

2015-07-14 12:42:55来源: 华龙网

【摘要】 今日清晨,范玮琪在微博晒出自拍照,透露昨天由于太忙没有更新微博,“今天补早”。照片中,她梳着偏分发型,头上还戴着多个发饰,对镜微笑,模样甜美可爱;此外,范玮琪还晒出一张双胞胎儿子玩耍的照片。 范玮琪微博截图 中新网7月14日电今日清晨,范玮琪在微博晒出自拍照,透露昨天由于...

Abstract] this morning, fan fan in micro Bo sun from photographs, revealed yesterday because of too busy not updated blog today, "added early. In the picture. She wears her hair in a partial hair, head wearing a hair, smile to the mirror, like the sweet; in addition, fan fan also drying out a twin sons play photos. Christine Fan microblogging screenshot of the new network in July 14 electric today morning, Christine Fan microblogging drying out from the camera, revealed yesterday due...