新关注 > 信息聚合 > 高亮度大画面 就选爱普生EB-C760X投影

高亮度大画面 就选爱普生EB-C760X投影

High brightness and large screen will choose Epson projection EB-C760X

2014-12-09 20:00:55来源: 中关村在线

(中关村在线安徽行情)爱普生EB-C760X投影机可无线投影,通过Wi-Fi无线连接PC,为商务会议提供更加简单的支持。目前该款投影机在商家合肥普乐士多媒体网络技术有限公司的报价为9899元。 爱...

(ZOL Anhui market) Epson EB-C760X projector wireless projection, through a Wi Fi connection PC, provide more simple support for business meetings. At present, the projector in the business Hefei Plus Multimedia Network Technology Co., Ltd., the offer is 9899 yuan. Love...