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球球大作战嘉年华参赛队伍一览 女子战队不落下风

The ball ball teams of women's Corps Combat Carnival does not strive

2016-02-18 16:36:35来源: 4399

即将于3月5日在上海举办的球球大作战“潮流竞技,无限Fun大”嘉年华可谓是盛况空前,除了有知名主持解说与演艺团体的倾情加盟外,众多一线战队也将汇聚一堂,角逐最强王冠,一起来看看都有哪些战队参赛吧。 可以看到,这些参赛队伍中不乏一些实力强劲的女子战队,作为一款老少咸宜的手游,球球大作战的...

Coming on March 5, held in Shanghai ball big battle "trend of athletics, unlimited fun" Carnival it may be said is unprecedented, in addition to the famous host commentary and performing arts groups leans the sentiment joined, many front-line team also will be gathered, to compete for the crown of the strongest, see which teams. We can see that these teams are not some of the strength of the strong women's team, as an old and young should be the first hand travel, the ball big fight...

标签: 嘉年华