新关注 > 信息聚合 > 皇马多了一道看不见的墙 他提升了皇马的档次

皇马多了一道看不见的墙 他提升了皇马的档次

Real Madrid an invisible wall He raised the grade of the real Madrid

2016-03-09 20:15:35来源: 新浪

伯纳乌球迷鼓掌欢呼卡塞米罗 新浪体育讯 在皇马2比0胜罗马挺进欧冠8强后,西班牙第一大报《国家报》指出,是卡塞米罗和纳瓦斯帮助皇马晋级,哥斯达黎加人在欧冠中保持不丢球状态,而巴西后腰则在中场挫败罗马的进攻。 皇马在西甲丢球不断,然而在欧冠的比赛中,白衣军团却始终保持球门不丢。纳瓦...

The bernabeu fans applaud card miro sina sports news 2-0 victory over roma at real Madrid into the champions league quarter-finals, after first broadsheet newspaper el pais said that Spain is card miro and nawaz help real Madrid to qualify and costa rica who keep don't throw the ball in the champions league, while Brazil's lower back in midfield felled Rome's attack. Real Madrid in the Spanish lost the ball, but in the champions league game, but keep the goal not throw white legion. Nava...