新关注 > 信息聚合 > 周琦赴男篮首训身体疲惫 奥运前最后封训强度大

周琦赴男篮首训身体疲惫 奥运前最后封训强度大

Housekeeper in men's basketball team the first physical exhaustion The Olympic Games before the final seal strength

2016-05-27 08:14:46来源: 网易

周琦表示,第一次打奥运会很兴奋,期待好成绩。 周琦刚一归队,中国男篮在宁波北仑的封闭集训昨天便第一次对媒体开放。首次参加训练的周琦表示,目前还在倒时差,身体也有些许疲惫,教练组给他制定的训练量并不大。由于是里约奥运会前最后一次封闭集训(此后将通过热身赛最后冲刺),主帅宫鲁鸣安排的训练...

Kevin said, was excited to play the games for the first time, looking forward to good results. Zhou Qigang a return, the Chinese men's basketball team in ningbo beilun yesterday closed training sessions and open to the media for the first time. For the first time to participate in training the housekeeper, said is still in jet lag, the body also have a little tired, the coaching staff to make his training volume is not large. Because it was last closed training ahead of the Olympic Games in Rio (then through the warm-up match final sprint), coach GongLuMing arrange training...