新关注 > 信息聚合 > 工程系列考试24日至26日办理现场资格审查


Engineering Series examination 24 days to 26 days for on-site qualification review

2015-03-23 16:43:45来源: 中国宁波网

中国宁波网3月23日讯(记者 陈章升 通讯员 田冬)记者今天从宁波市人事考试办获悉,2015年度工程系列专业水平考试网上报名将于3月25日中午12时结束,还未完成报名的报考人员请尽快登录宁波考试网(...

Chinese Ningbo network March 23rd news (reporter Chen Zhangsheng Tian Dong correspondent) reporter today from Ningbo City Personnel Examination Office was informed, 2015 annual engineering series of professional level examination online registration will be on March 25th at 12 end, has not yet completed the registration of candidates please log in Ningbo examination network (as soon as possible...