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Paul Smith让位给亲密搭档

Paul Smith gave way to intimate partner

2015-03-19 12:07:26来源: 世界服装鞋帽网

现年68岁的paul smith在1970年代成立了这一自己的同名品牌,至今仍是这家公司的控股大股东,持有60%的股权,全球著名的综合贸易公司伊藤忠商事(itochu)——他长期的日本许可商,持有剩...

Now 68-year-old paul smith in the 1970s established that his namesake brand, is still the controlling shareholder of this company, holds 60% stake in the world's leading general trading company Itochu (itochu) - he long-term Japanese licensors, holding left ...