新关注 > 信息聚合 > 曼联揽范加尔嫡系接班德赫亚 1500万购MVP飞翼

曼联揽范加尔嫡系接班德赫亚 1500万购MVP飞翼

After Manchester United Football descendant of Louis van Gaal succession de GEA 15 million purchase MVP wing

2015-06-28 09:45:36来源: 华体网

曼联敲定施奈德林后转攻西莱森 签下德佩后,曼联在转会市场上再也没有了动静,眼看着利物浦已经完成五笔签约,红魔拥趸们相当着急,北京时间6月28日,法国权威媒体《队报》披露,曼联已经敲定第二签,2100万英镑从南安普顿气拿下施奈德林,双方签订了一份为期四年的合同、周薪12万英镑,这是他在...

Manchester United finalized Schneiderlin after zhuangong Xilai Sen signed pres, Manchester United in the transfer market no movement, saw Liverpool have completed five signings, Red Devils fans rather worried, Beijing time on June 28, the French media authority, "equipe" disclosure, Manchester United has been finalized the second sign, 21 million pounds from Southampton gas with Schneider forest, the two sides signed the a period of four years of contract, weekly 12 million pounds, which is he...