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Freedom, dignity, treatment, doctors Chinese knot

2016-02-06 22:23:01来源: 丁香园

2016 年伊始,卫计委就处于众矢之的的风口浪尖上,无论是突如而来的专科医师培训,还是被缄口的北医三院产妇死亡事件,再到刚刚热传的儿科医生不够,内科医生来凑。 目前似乎每一个和卫计委相关的话题都会...

At the beginning of 2016, Wei Planning Commission is in the cusp of the target of public criticism, either from the conflict as specialist training, or be shut up in Beiyisanyuan maternal deaths, and then just enough heat transfer pediatrician, internist to Minato . At present it seems that every guard Planning Commission and related topics will be ...