新关注 > 信息聚合 > 地球另一端的新春祝福(图)


Earth and the other end of the Chinese New Year (FIG)

2016-02-07 23:54:49来源: 环球网

2月7日农历除夕上午,正在南极罗斯海执行科考任务的中国第32次南极科考队队员在“雪龙”号上向万里之外的祖国人民拜年,送上猴年新春祝福。新华社记者 朱基钗 摄 责编:黎晓珊

February 7 Lunar New Year's Eve morning, is to perform the Ross Sea Antarctic expedition mission the 32nd Chinese Antarctic expedition team members on the "Snow Dragon" to the motherland, the people thousands of miles away New Year, New Year wishes to send the Monkey. Xinhua News Agency reporters Zhu Jichai and She Zebian: Li Xiaoshan