新关注 > 信息聚合 > 这是中锋吗?是中锋吗!这少年今天让央视疯狂了


Is this center?? is the center?! this young today CCTV crazy

2015-09-27 21:37:05来源: 新浪

周琦今天的表现让解说员很吃惊 新浪体育讯 北京时间9月27日,2015男篮亚锦赛复赛中国男篮对阵哈萨克斯坦。最终,中国男篮以75-62战胜对手,取得了复赛的第一胜,也是本届亚锦赛4连胜。 亲...

Zhouqi. With the performance makes the narrator was surprised of sina sports dispatch Beijing time on September 27, 2015 FIBA Asia Championship semi-finals China Men's basketball team against Kazakhstan. Finally, China men's basketball team to a 75-62 victory over rivals, made the semi-finals of the first win, but also the current Championship 4 game winning streak. Dear