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八年之后合作《师父》 小宋佳:廖凡还是个戏疯子

After eight years of cooperation, "master" and the: Liao Fan or a play crazy

2015-12-07 08:12:37来源: 人民网

八年之后再度合作《师父》 继《好奇害死猫》之后,廖凡与小宋佳再度合作一部电影——由徐浩峰执导,刚刚获得了第52届金马奖最佳动作设计奖的《师父》。廖凡在片中饰演北上扬名的拳师陈识,小宋佳则扮演风情...

after eight years of together again "master" following the "curiosity killed the cat" after, Liao Fan and small Songjia together again a film by xuhao Feng directed, just to get the 52nd Golden Horse Award for best action design award "master". Liao Fan played in the film for the famous boxer General Chen, Song Jia plays style...