新关注 > 信息聚合 > 中国概念股周二收盘多数上涨 猎豹移动涨11%

中国概念股周二收盘多数上涨 猎豹移动涨11%

China concept stocks closed Tuesday most rise cheetah mobile up 11%

2014-06-18 07:55:09来源: 新浪

中国概念股周二收盘数据 新浪科技讯 北京时间6月18日凌晨消息,周二美国股市收高,标普500指数延续了前两个交易日的上涨行情,小型股攀升。美联储将在明天公布货币会议政策结果。中国概念股周二收盘多数上涨,猎豹移动涨11.48%报23.6美元。 美东时间6月17日16:00(北京时间...

China concept stocks closed Tuesday data sina science and technology news Beijing standard time on June 18th morning news, USA stock market closed higher Tuesday, the S & P 500 index for the two trading days before the rally, small stocks climbed. The Federal Reserve will be announced tomorrow conference of monetary policy results. China concept stocks closed Tuesday most rise, the cheetah mobile up 11.48% at $23.6. In June 17th 16:00 Eastern time (Beijing time...