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The composer Zhang Yilin Lang Lang attend Music Dream Tour Concert

2014-12-29 17:53:43来源: 中国青年网

2014年12月24日圣诞前夜,郎朗2014“音为爱”全国音乐梦想巡演北京站音乐会在万事达中心盛大开演。 世界著名钢琴演奏家,联合国和平大使郎朗当晚的演奏精彩纷呈,获得所有现场观众的喝彩。歌手华...

2014 year in December 24th Christmas Eve, Lang Lang 2014 "sound for love" National Music Dream Tour Concert in the MasterCard center grand show of Beijing Railway Station. The world famous pianist Lang Lang, the United Nations peace Ambassador night playing brilliant, obtain all the applause of the audience. The singer china...