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枪手1数据胜巴萨傲视全欧 大将称374强过内马尔

The 1 data that Europe will win Barcelona 374 strong Neymar

2015-04-09 19:47:23来源: 华体网

桑切斯全力征战求冠军 放眼欧洲五大联赛,哪支球队近期战绩最猛?答案:阿森纳。上周六阿森纳4-1击败利物浦后,英超连胜已达7场,强于西甲6连胜的巴萨,能与阿森纳相提并论的只有亦在意甲7连胜的拉齐奥。 温格的球队正在全速冲刺,但英超争冠形势却仍不乐观,目前阿森纳在多赛1场的情况下被领...

Sanchez to campaign for the championship in Europe's top five leagues, which team recent record of the most fierce? Answer: Arsenal. Last Saturday Arsenal beat Liverpool 4-1, the Premier League winning streak reached 7 games, 6 games in La Liga with Barcelona, Arsenal put on a par with only in 7 Serie A games Lazio. Wenger's team sprint is the Premier League title, but the situation is still not optimistic, the current Arsenal were brought in more than 1 games under the condition of...