新关注 > 信息聚合 > 南京400多幢楼宇昨“熄灯一小时” 节电32万度

南京400多幢楼宇昨“熄灯一小时” 节电32万度

Nanjing yesterday, more than 400 buildings in "Earth Hour" saving 320 000 degrees

2015-03-29 08:16:02来源: 人民网江苏视窗


This year is the "Earth Hour" to China the first seven years, the theme of "blue visibility" in the hope that more people concerned about air pollution. Yesterday, 20:30, had a lot of bright colors and dim Nanjing, the city's more than 400 high-rise buildings Earth Hour, a lot of big outdoor advertising, electronic screen also closed, ...