新关注 > 信息聚合 > 郭英成明确逼孙宏斌离场 融创收购佳兆业恐泡汤

郭英成明确逼孙宏斌离场 融创收购佳兆业恐泡汤

Guo Yingcheng forced Sun Hongbin to leave a clear financial record acquisition Henderson fear wasted

2015-05-26 08:52:13来源: 杭州网

“郭英成确实是不想把佳兆业卖给融创了,但是不是可以重掌公司,也不好说,不排除另寻买家的可能。”接近佳兆业管理层的消息人士这样告诉《证券日报》记者。 而在5月25日这一天,媒体相继曝出的佳兆业大股...

"Kwok Ying Shing is indeed did not want to Kaisa sold to financial record, but can not regained control of the company, is not to say, do not rule out other buyers seeking possible." Close to Henderson management sources told the "Securities Daily" this reporter. In May 25th this day, the media have exposed the big henderson...