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快递初创公司 Doorman,你觉得它能成功吗?

Express startups Doorman, do you think it will succeed?

2015-04-13 16:02:10来源: Tech2IPO

某日,Pixar Animation Studios(皮克斯动画工作室)前技术总监 Zander Adell 正在熟睡中,忽然被敲门声吵醒。他翻身下床,打开门,门前站着一位拿着包裹的快递员。这对他来...

Pixar Animation one day, Studios (Pixar Animation Studios) former technical director Zander Adell was fast asleep, was suddenly awakened by the sound of knocking at the door. He got up, opened the door, the door stood a took the parcel courier. It came to him...