新关注 > 信息聚合 > 周华健学员戴荃 打造《战西游》主题曲

周华健学员戴荃 打造《战西游》主题曲

Emil student wearing Tsuen create "war Journey to the West" theme song

2015-03-30 15:11:52来源: 爱拍游戏

全新神话幻想PK网游《战西游》传承西游名著,打造500年仙妖两大阵营剧烈冲突剧情,神魔一战,杀人诛心。中国好歌曲学员、周华健弟子戴荃,为战西游打造主题曲《悟空》,极具中国风的歌词揭秘《战西游》悟空精神。今天就让我们从歌词中,领略《战西游》的特色玩法! 《战西游》预创建角色开启,点此进入...

The new myth fantasy PK online games, "war Journey" Journey heritage masterpiece, 500 years to build the immortal demon camps Drama violent conflict, a mythical war, punish killing heart. Chinese students the song, Emil Quan Dai disciples, to build a war West theme song, "Monkey King", a very Chinese style lyrics Secret "war Journey" Wukong spirit. Today, let us from the lyrics, enjoy the "war Journey" characteristics of play! "War Journey" pre-created role is turned on, click here enter ...