新关注 > 信息聚合 > 容桂造本地特色科技服务平台集聚区


Rong Guizao local science and technology information service platform for gathering Iraq District

2015-03-18 15:11:52来源: 南方网

伊之密生产车间里工作人员正在进行“模压成型”操作。 资规模驱动发展为主向以创新驱动发展为主的转变上。 这虽然是新提法,但在容桂早已经开始实践。顺德高新技术产业开发区就是该街道创新驱动的一个缩...

dense production workshop staff "molding" operation is in progress. The development of the scale driven development is mainly based on the innovation driven development.. Although this is a new formulation, but in Ronggui already began to practice. Shunde hi tech Industrial Development Zone is a shrinkage of the street innovation drive....