新关注 > 信息聚合 > 天王山之战票价意外降价 台风或影响恒大上座率

天王山之战票价意外降价 台风或影响恒大上座率

Kings Mountain battle fare unexpected price or the effect of typhoon Hengda attendance rate

2015-06-24 20:14:30来源: 新浪

恒大本场比赛海报 新浪体育讯 6月25日,中超联赛将迎来广州恒大与北京国安之间的强强对话,不过由于这场天王山之战安排在周中,加之周四当天可能有台风引发的大雨,所以赛前一天竟然意外出现了黄牛降价售...

Hengda the game posters of sina sports dispatch on June 25, the Super League will usher in a strong dialogue between Guangzhou Hengda and Beijing Guoan, but due to the arrangements in the battle of Kings Mountain in the week, and the day on Thursday may have triggered by typhoon rain, so the day before unexpectedly appear unexpectedly cattle sale price...