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戮力地标建筑 厦门江汉与波坦塔机的初体验

Coitted landmark Xiamen Jianghan and Potain tower crane's first experience

2015-07-10 14:00:36来源: 中国工程机械商贸网

“小企业做事,大企业做人”,赵俭芳的人生格言深深地打动了笔者和与之打交道的每一位朋友,而作为厦门江汉机械设备有限公司总经理的她也一直以此激励自己。 娇小、柔弱是赵总给我的第一印象,“至刚至柔”是...

"small business work, a man of large enterprises", Zhao Jianfang life motto deeply impress the author and with playing every contact with friends, and as general manager of the Xiamen Jianghan Machinery Equipment Co., Ltd. she has also been in order to motivate yourself. Petite, delicate is Zhao gave me the first impression, "just to soft"...