新关注 > 信息聚合 > 银行低息致德国房产市场火爆 成交额连年上涨

银行低息致德国房产市场火爆 成交额连年上涨

Low interest bank to German real estate market unpopular turnover rise year after year

2015-03-25 17:53:31来源: 中国网

银行低息致德国房产市场火爆,成交额连年上涨。 国际在线专稿:据德国《明镜》周刊3月24日报道,最新的统计显示,尽管房价不断攀升,但银行的低息政策却导致德国房地产业异常火爆,交易额连年上升,就连许...

low interest bank to German real estate market unpopular, turnover rose year after year. International Online Zhuangao: according to the German "Der Spiegel" magazine reported on March 24th, showed the latest statistics, although prices rising, but the bank's low interest policy has led to the German real estate unusually unpopular, turnover increased year after year, even xu...