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比利时名医“看见”中国女性之美 称有先天优势

The Belgian doctors "see" the laudatory name China female has the advantage

2015-08-21 12:09:02来源: 人民网

新华网北京8月21日电 据新华社“新华国际”客户端报道,比利时知名皮肤科医生弗朗索瓦斯·吉奥日前接受新华国际记者采访时指出,以中国女性为代表的亚洲女性是世界上最美的女性之一,她们的美有先天优势,相比欧洲人她们皮肤的老化特征不明显。 弗朗索瓦斯说,中国女性肌肤的真皮层通常更厚并含有更多...

Xinhua net Beijing on August 21, according to Xinhua news agency Xinhua International client reports and Fran Gio known Belgian dermatologists recently accepted Xinhua International reporters pointed out that to Chinese women for Asian women is one of the world's most beautiful women of the, her beauty has inherent advantages, compared to Europeans in the way their skin aging characteristic is not obvious. Fran said, Chinese female dermis of the skin are usually thicker and contain more...