新关注 > 信息聚合 > 酷炫拽:中国高速空中互联网全球辐射


Cool: high speed air drag China internet global radiation

2015-03-13 19:14:15来源: 人民网

CeBIT召开在即,圈内的小伙伴们准备好飞赴德国汉诺威了吗? 随着空中互联网产业的高速发展,飞机上也能上网了!过去,你只能选择一杯咖啡一本书书的安静旅途,现在,在飞往CeBIT的漫长旅途中,你还...

CeBIT held soon, circle of friends ready to fly to Germany to Hannover? With the rapid development of the Internet industry in the air, the plane can also surf the internet! In the past, you can only choose one cup of Coffee quiet journey, a book now, in the long journey to CeBIT, you also...