新关注 > 信息聚合 > 中国女篮亚锦赛名单出炉 CUBA总决赛MVP入选

中国女篮亚锦赛名单出炉 CUBA总决赛MVP入选

China Women's Basketball Championships list released Cuba finals MVP selected Sina

2015-08-20 18:36:31来源: 新浪

中国篮协官网截图 新浪体育讯 全国各相关单位: 为积极备战2015年女篮亚洲锦标赛,根据我中心制定的《篮球项目国家队教练员、运动员选拔与监督办法及实施细则》的规定,国家女篮和体育总局篮球中心履 行了规定选拔程序。现将国家女篮参加2015年亚洲锦标赛12名运动员名单向社会进行公示,...

the Chinese Basketball Association official website screenshot of sina sports dispatch the relevant units, is actively preparing for the 2015 Asian women's basketball championship, according to I center to develop the basketball national team coaches, athletes selection and supervision measures and the implementation of the provisions of the detailed rules ", National Women's basketball and sports basketball administration center assumed the provisions of the selection procedure. The National Women's basketball team in the 2015 Asian Championships 12 athletes list of publicity to the community,...