新关注 > 信息聚合 > 魅族李楠称“魅蓝2”售价600元以上 网友不淡定

魅族李楠称“魅蓝2”售价600元以上 网友不淡定

Meizu Li Nan said 600 yuan more than 2 yuan price is not calm

2015-07-23 12:15:47来源: TechWeb

魅族魅蓝2 这个月国产手机的热闹还在延续,28日一加2代登场,而29日则是魅族新机魅蓝2和中兴威武新机同时亮相,不知道大家更期待谁? 从目前情况,入门智能手机的门槛已经变成了2GB内存起步,而售...

Domestic mobile phone Meizu Charm Blue 2 this month lively continues, 2 on the 28th generation debut, and 29 is Meizu Charm Blue 2 and ZTE mighty new machine appeared at the same time, do not know if you look forward to who? From the current situation, the entry threshold of smart phones has become 2GB memory started, and the sale...