新关注 > 信息聚合 > 曝2010世界杯内幕!摩纳哥2票胜出遭官员受贿反戈


Exposure of the 2010 World Cup insider. Monaco ticket 2 win being officials were bribed fange

2015-06-07 12:58:38来源: 网易

录音证据证明在申办2010年世界杯时,两大热门摩洛哥和南非都向国际足联执委买票,摩洛哥曾花100万美元贿赂前国际足联副主席杰克-华纳,但随后南非出1000万美元让华纳倒戈。 网易体育6月7日报道:...

recording evidence to prove in the bid for the 2010 World Cup, two popular in Morocco and South Africa to the FIFA Executive Committee to buy tickets, Morocco has spent $100 million in bribes before FIFA vice president Jack Warner, but then South Africa $10 million to Warner defection. Netease sports June 7th reported:...