新关注 > 信息聚合 > 张靓颖男友回应犹豫等传闻:此生 她是唯一

张靓颖男友回应犹豫等传闻:此生 她是唯一

Zhang boyfriend dithered in response to rumors: her life is only Sina

2015-07-05 22:22:28来源: 新浪

张靓颖公开恋情 新浪娱乐讯 7月4日,张靓颖演唱会上突然公布恋情,不仅让歌迷,也让男方大感意外,甚至有网友怀疑男方犹疑不决等传闻。7月5日,冯柯微博回应:现在回想起来,哪怕给我十秒钟的机会让我平...

Zhang public affair Sina entertainment hearing July 4th, Jane Zhang concert suddenly announced romance, not only let the fans, also let the man by surprise, even netizens suspected the man hesitated and rumors. July 5th, Feng Ke microblogging responded: now in retrospect, even give me a chance to make me ten seconds flat...