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太原部分小区被停暖催费 其他居民“连坐”停暖

Part of the District of Taiyuan is stop warm reminder fees other residents "sit" stop warming

2015-11-29 23:17:43来源: 中新山西网

前日晚,桃园四巷22号院市煤运公司宿舍居民郑女士反映,由于小区8户居民未交暖气费,供热部门竟把3栋居民楼的暖气全停了。 居民刘师傅介绍,院内有市煤运公司的两栋宿舍楼,还有乐器电子研究所的1栋楼。...

yesterday evening, Ms. Zheng Taoyuan Si Xiang No. 22 college city coal company dormitory residents reflect, due to area 8 households did not pay heating costs, heating sector actually the three residential buildings in heating full stop. Residents Master Liu introduced, the hospital has two dormitory city coal company, and musical instrument electronic Research Institute of Building 1 floor. ...