新关注 > 信息聚合 > 这家伙说要改变投篮姿势 雷霆二少又不自在了

这家伙说要改变投篮姿势 雷霆二少又不自在了

This guy said he was going to change his shooting position. He was not at ease with the two.

2016-01-25 11:06:09来源: 新浪

这投篮姿势还用改? 新浪体育讯 据说,雷霆队的板凳匪徒迪昂-韦特斯最近在观看比赛录像,据他自己表示,通过观看录像,他看到了自己的投篮问题,而且是多个赛季以来一直如此——那就是他在跳投时候的后仰有...

This shooting posture also used to change? Sina sports dispatch is said to thunder team Bench Mob Duhem - heribertus recently watching video game, according to his own, by watching the video, he saw the own shooting, and has done so since the season -- that is, he in the when the shot is Yang.