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CBA流行换主场 休赛期迎来改善硬件设施好时机

CBA popular for home offseason usher in improved hardware facilities in good time

2015-08-19 18:58:39来源: 中国新闻网

CBA休赛期各队很忙,除了常规夏训之外,引援工作也是重中之重。但今年,CBA圈子里格外流行换主场——无论是搬家,还是设立分场馆,CBA各队为了新赛季也是“蛮拼的”。 有人忙搬家 今夏最早搬家的,是卫冕冠军北京队。4年3夺CBA总冠军,北京队人气猛增,原本的首钢篮球中心已经不能满足...

CBA the offseason the team is very busy, in addition to the conventional summer. Reinforcements are also heavy. But this year, CBA circle is especially popular for home -- whether it is moving, or the establishment of a museum of Fen Chang, CBA teams for the new season is "pretty fight." Some people are busy moving the first summer, the defending champion Beijing team. 4 years 3 wins CBA championship, Beijing team popularity soared, the original Shougang Basketball Center has been unable to meet...