新关注 > 信息聚合 > 科技巨头涉足医学研究:苹果谷歌姿势各不同


Technology giants involved in medical research: Apple Google pose different

2015-04-29 11:32:53来源: 新浪

欢迎关注“创事记”的微信订阅号:sinachuangshiji 文/赵平 不久前,苹果发布了医学研究平台ResearchKit引起了不小的轰动。事实上,谷歌于2014年7月也发起了名为Goo...

welcome WeChat subscription number attention "to create things in mind": sinachuangshiji / Zhao Ping not long ago, Apple released the medical research platform of ResearchKit caused a stir. In fact, Google in 2014 July launched a named Goo...

标签: 谷歌 苹果