新关注 > 信息聚合 > 兰州3.68万名初三考生今迎中考 历时三天半(图)

兰州3.68万名初三考生今迎中考 历时三天半(图)

Lanzhou 3.68 million two junior candidates towards this test lasted for three and a half days (Figure)

2015-06-16 05:42:45来源: 每日甘肃网

兰州3.68万名初三考生今迎中考 历时三天半本报将邀请一线教师详解试题 在兰州二十七中考点,参加中考的学生提前看考场。本报记者党运摄 每日甘肃网-兰州晨报讯(记者武永明)父母的声声叮咛,师...

in Lanzhou 3.68 million junior candidates now welcome the test lasted for three and a half days newspaper will invite teachers detailed questions 27 in the test center in Lanzhou, to participate in the examination of the students look ahead of the examination. This reporter party photo Gansu daily network - Lanzhou morning news (reporter Wu Yongming) their sound advice, division...