新关注 > 信息聚合 > 南安普顿青训吸金力全欧第1 皇马名列第6巴萨第7

南安普顿青训吸金力全欧第1 皇马名列第6巴萨第7

Southampton youth suction gold Liquan Euro First Real Madrid Barcelona article 7

2015-03-10 18:51:50来源: 网易

国际体育研究中心(CIES)发布了一份对欧洲五大联赛的调查报告,结果显示英超球队南安普敦青训营的赚钱能力高居榜首,而法甲联赛出卖青训球员的收入在五大联赛中处于领先。 网易体育3月10日报道: 拉...

International Sports Research Center (CIES) released a report on the five major European League investigation report, the results showed the Premier League team Nanan at the Academy's ability to make money at the top of the list, while the French League sold the Academy players income in the lead in the five big league. NetEase sports reported on March 10th: pull...