新关注 > 信息聚合 > 胶东半岛房地产业机会在哪里


Jiaodong Peninsula real estate opportunities where

2015-03-15 01:32:05来源: 新浪网

刘奇洪 环渤海区域是房地产企业布局的重要一站,以青岛为中心的胶东半岛城市群云集了全国和本土的众多房企,这一地区是山东房地产业投资最重要的区域,2014年青岛、烟台、威海三市房地产投资便占到了山东...

Liu Qihong around Bohai region is the real estate enterprise layout an important station of the Jiaodong peninsula city group, with Qingdao as the center of the gathered many national and local enterprises, the region is a region of Shandong real estate investment is the most important, the 2014 Qingdao, Yantai, Weihai three city real estate investment accounted for Shandong...