新关注 > 信息聚合 > 专访夜神安卓模拟团队:移动产品新G点


Interview with nocturnal Android virtual team: mobile products new G-spot

2015-07-08 18:58:38来源: 新浪

夜神团队15年3月成立,成员大多出自国内BAT级企业。致力于移动产品PC化的产品解决,打造业界领先的移动端模拟器,完成移动端产品的PC化,并构建新的分发渠道及生态。 目前成功的推出了夜神安卓模拟...

nocturnal team 15 years was established in March, members mostly from bat domestic enterprise. Committed to mobile products PC product solutions, to create the industry's leading mobile terminal simulator, complete the PC of the mobile terminal products, and build a new distribution channels and ecology. At present, the successful launch of the night Andrews simulation...

标签: 安卓