新关注 > 信息聚合 > 新闻联播背后:中关村咖啡馆中的手游创业团队们


News: Zhongguancun behind Coffee Museum in Mobile Games entrepreneurial team

2015-01-05 16:08:46来源: 和讯网

新闻联播报道 DoNews游戏1月5日特稿(记者 赵玥) 手游创业者段利军登上《新闻联播》头条的消息,让业内再一次将目光聚集在了伴随手游而生的创业者群体上。 尽管历经了用积蓄创业的孤注一...

news network reported January 5th DoNews game features (reporter Zhao Yue) Mobile Games entrepreneur Duan Lijun boarded the "news broadcast" headline news, once again let the industry will gather in the eyes with readily swam born entrepreneur groups. Despite the use of savings pioneering flyer...

标签: 手游