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月食之后看什么 4月天象预告

After seeing what the sky after the lunar eclipse April forecast

2015-04-08 16:06:07来源: 中关村在线

月食之后,天琴座流星雨将开始活跃。到了月底,水星观测条件的也会越来越好转好。 天琴座流星雨辐射点示意图 天琴座流星雨极大 天琴座流星雨是一个观测历史非常悠久的流星雨,目前最早的记录可以追溯到公元前687年。我国的古书《春秋》中有这样的描述,“鲁庄公七年四月辛卯夜,恒星不见,夜中星...

eclipse, Lyrids will begin active. At the end of the month, mercury observation conditions will be getting better better. Lyra meteor shower radiant point schematic diagram Lyrids great Lyrid meteor shower is a meteor shower observation has a very long history. The earliest records can be traced back to 687 BC. The ancient "China" in the spring and Autumn period is described, "Duke Zhuang seven years Xin Mao April night, the stars were not seen, the night star...